Perhaps the quickest way to begin connecting with the life of All Souls Church is to stay for the coffee hour that occurs each Sunday following the 9:30 am mass. Numerous people gather in the Parish House just around the corner for coffee, tea, pastries, and the opportunity to visit informally with each other. Sometimes it takes great courage to venture into a crowd of people whom you don’t know. But remember that we are always delighted to meet you and all are welcome!
Each week a number of dedicated parishioners lend their time and talent to help make our worship services run smoothly. Ushers, Acolytes, Altar Guild members, Lay Readers, and Chalice Bearers all perform vital roles in our weekly worship services. For more information EMAIL us here.
Children of all ages are encouraged to attend Sunday mass with their families. During the service, children actively participate. Children aged 8 and up are welcome to train to serve as acolyte during mass.
Every Fall our children's choir begins rehearsal for our Christmas Concert, held prior to Advent. All children of the community, both members of All Souls and non-members, are welcome to join our choir.
All Souls Church has a small and welcoming congregation. We enjoy having the children participate in mass. At All Souls, we consider ourselves a family and we invite you to join us in celebrating the Eucharist.
Throughout the year we host special events that celebrate the liturgical seasons and draw us together in fellowship. These events are usually multigenerational, and go by such names as: Drumming Meditation, Pancake Supper, Annual Yard Sale, SOLES for Souls Race, Second Saturdays Poetry Readings, Saturdays at Six Concert Series and others. Don’t let these opportunities for getting involved pass. See the Sunday bulletin announcements or join the mailing list for upcoming events.
We welcome new ideas!
The best way to explore All Souls Church is to attend one of our services and then talk to one of the priests; we’re very approachable, and will do our best to answer any questions you might have about All Souls Church or the larger Episcopal Church.